I Swear this one is a doozie! So, let’s be real. Take a drink if you’ve failed at something you’ve done so many times before. We’d all be drunk before we knew it. I found myself back in this moment this weekend baking for test recipes and website content. Let me give you some background to the reason for this week’s blog post. Here we go…
I’m a firm believer in trial by error and keep trying until you feel good about it. I’ll also stand behind the “fake it till you make it” mantra for one reason only. YOU need to be behind every decision. Every success. Every damn failure. And while you’re failing (sometimes over & over even) get creative! That’s exactly what I did when I flopped the test batch I was baking for September’s featured flavor. No matter how many times I bake, there are still other factors that impact the execution of the recipe. Let’s face it, I’m human too. One little distraction led to an over mixed batter, hence the caved in, partially cooked cupcakes you’ll cringe at below.
It did, however, get me thinking. What could I use this for? I was so over wasted cupcake and had to think fast as I still had more elements to test bake for my subscription. That’s when I had the thought, what about a cinnamon apple cupcake parfait! Why not make something that would incorporate all the flavors I planned to piece together for a featured cupcake flavor? So there you have it folks. Just because it doesn’t work out on the first try, hell even the 10th or 20th… make the most of it anyways and don’t be afraid to get creative! Let’s face it, what’s the worst that can happen? (Maybe, just maybe, you’ll also make a bomb ass dessert!)